She's Coming Back!
I thought I would list some of the FAQ's I get about the first book FRANKENSTINA before the release of the sequel.
How tall is Frankenstina?
Ans. 6'9 over 7 feet with her goth boots on.
How much does she weigh?
Ans. 325-350 pounds
How fast can she run?
Ans. 2 minute mile
How old was she when she got her first taste for killing?
Ans. Age 6
Who was her first victim? Ans. Technically her mom in labor.
Does she have any siblings?
Ans. NO
Is she a mindless aberration like Shelly's Frankenstein?
Ans. No. Frankenstina has an I.Q. over 200.
How many victims are in book 1?
Ans. 27
How many books are in the series?
Ans. 4
Are Gaberdeen and April lesbian lovers?
Ans. That is a mystery that you will have to draw your own conclusion to.
Is Gaberdeen a result of her Grandfather raping her mom?
Ans. That's a conclusion you'll have to draw for yourself.
When does Frankenstina Reborn launch? Ans. Halloween October 31, 2019
Does she die in the second book?
Ans. You want a spoiler?
Jerrimiah Stonecastle
Stonecastle Publications LLC
"Throwing Stones at a Glass House"