I'm not sure I know if I can put into words what I'm feeling after hearing my book "Never Whistle in The House II narrated by Alaura Howery. But I'll try. It was awesome, it was surreal, atomic, and on a whole new level.
I remember how exuberated I felt the first time I saw my first eBook published. That feeling paled in comparison when I held my first paperback.
Now take those two experiences and combine them and you'll still never come near to comprehending what I felt as I listened to my book being narrated. I felt like I was watching a movie. A movie whose script was written in my mind and produced by the narrator's voice.
This is truly the next level. This is my fourth audiobook that's in the production process. I'm learning how to adjust my manuscripts by limiting the dialogue tags which makes for easier reading and the interaction between characters more fluid.
I can't wait for you guys to hear it. Please let me know what you think of it.
Jerrimiah Stonecastle
"Throwing Stones at a Glass House"